Kowloon is an interesting part of the Hong Kong region and a fantastic destination, which holds all the qualities to make it a wonderful place. The hotels in Kowloon uphold its reputation for being comfortable and satisfying its guests. Having visited Hong Kong earlier too but only on business, I was not able to explore the region. Kowloon seemed an inviting destination and the tourist Mecca of Hong Kong. Booking for hotels here was easy, if done at least a month before. I checked with my travel agent but my wife insisted on getting the hotels in Kowloon online. I left it to her and she was happy, as she was able to get a fantastic deal, with discounts too. Once there even I was very satisfied with the hospitality, services and the staff. The location of the hotel was in close proximity to city’s popular spots Tsim Sha Tsui and Nathan Road and other places. Taking the tour of the star ferry was wonderful, besides paying a visit to Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong Space Museum, with a Space Theater and the Kowloon Park was all a worth.
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