This time my visit to Hong Kong was coinciding with my birthday and I took along my wife, though it was a business visit, I had extended my stay. With rooms booked at the world class Hong Kong hotels, I took a taxi direct from the airport to the hotel and there was given a warm welcome. It was my wife’s first ever trip and she was very impressed by the city and the hotel’s hospitality which always stands out. My business took most of time in the day, so I was left with evenings to take my wife out sightseeing. Hong Kong is a city that never sleeps and one feels at ease going on night tours. We enjoyed the famous nightlife and a romantic harbor cruise was a wonderful experience. A popular tourist destination has some of the best hotels, which play an important role in the country’s economy. With all kinds of Hong Kong hotels available to the tourists for leisure or business purposes, accommodation never becomes a problem. Moreover, the hotels here are synonymous with luxury and my wife was very pleased as she was pampered in style, modern comforts and impeccable services.
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